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Refer your friends and earn INR 100

Refer your friends and family to help them succeed in their exams.

When a friend referred by you buys a Package from IITIANGUIDE, we will credit your bank account with INR 100.


And what’s more, the friend you refer gets a 10% discount once they make their first booking.

How Refer and Earn works

The IITIANGUIDE referral program is exclusive to IITIANGUIDE customers. If you haven’t purchased any package from our website, you can opt for one now!


1. Check your registered mail id where you must have received your referral code.

2. Share this referral code with your friends, family and other contacts who want to use IITIANGUIDE’s services. Ask them to fill the referral code in the Welcome Form after they opt for a package.

3. Receive INR 100* when one of your friends or family opts for a paid package from IITIANGUIDE for the first time.

4. And what’s more, the friend you refer gets a 10% discount once they opt for their first paid package from IITIANGUIDE.


*Refer and earn is only applicable to paid packages opted for the first time. For every 1 Audio/Video Call Package opted on your referral code, you earn Rs. 50. For every 1 Month or 3 Months Package opted on your referral code you earn Rs. 100.

Only Available to Registered Students


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