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Best Internship for IITIAN Students

Start Your 3 Months Internship Journey with IITIANGUIDE. Get the exposure to multiple research and educational opportunities. Certified Internship for IITIANS.

Chance to Intern under IITIANS Alumni.
Internship opportunity  for IIT Students


Duration – 3 Months
Timings – Flexible`
Weekly Hours – 4-5 Hours only.

Get Certification – Enhance Your Resume

We will certify you for your Internship Period. This will boost the value of your CV and resume. Get the Experience and a Certificate that will help you in your future placements.

Things You will be Doing and Getting

Special Internship Opportunity for IITIANS.

Social Entrepreneurship

Learn the Most Valuable Skills in Life with Minimum Effort.

Leadership Qualities

Improve your Leadership qualities. Opportunity to lead projects as an authority.

People Management

Learn the art of team building, team management and people management.

Certificate of Completion

Get Certificate of Completion and Letter or Recommendation ( LOR ) with Appreciation Certificate.

Design Credits

Get the valuable Design Credits as well.

Career Guidance from IIT Alumni

Tips and Tricks to crack your dream jobs. Access to them for any help needed on academics/careers

Create Meaningful Impact

Opportunity to create meaningful social impact on the people and the students.

Multiple Skills

Practice multiple skills like people dealing skills, persuasion skills, client dealing hands on experience.

Flexible Working Hours

Internship is flexible in terms of working hours. Work as per your convenience and comfort. Also, Work from home.

Fill the Internship Form Now

Kindly provide all the possible details in the Google form. All the non-serious applicants will be rejected. Apply only if you are highly motivated and inspired by our vision. We want the Best ones to come forward and give their best in the internship period.

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